Terms of use


These general conditions of sale apply to all sales of products and/or services offered by FB Install, unless otherwise agreed in writing in advance between FB Install and the buyer.


Orders can be placed by mail, email, telephone or directly in store. FB Install reserves the right to accept or refuse any order. An order will only be considered definitive after written validation by FB Install.

 Price and payment

The prices of the products and/or services are indicated in euros, all taxes included. Delivery costs are not included and are the responsibility of the buyer. Payment can be made by check, bank transfer or credit card. All orders will be shipped after receipt of payment.


Delivery times are given as an indication and may vary depending on the availability of products. FB Install undertakes to make every effort to respect the delivery times announced, but cannot be held responsible for any delays attributable to the carrier or to exceptional circumstances beyond its control.

Claim and return

In the event of non-conformity or defect noted on delivery, the buyer must inform FB Install by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt within 48 hours of receipt of the order. Any product return must be authorized in advance by FB Install and must be made within 14 days of receipt of the order.


The products sold by FB Install benefit from the legal guarantee of conformity and the guarantee against hidden defects provided for by articles L. 211-4 and following and articles 1641 and following of the Civil Code. The warranty does not apply in the event of abnormal or non-compliant use of the product.


FB Install cannot be held liable in the event of force majeure, damage caused by the use of the product or loss of data. The liability of FB Install is limited to the amount of the order.

Intellectual property

The intellectual property rights relating to the products and/or services sold by FB Install are the exclusive property of FB Install. Any reproduction or use, total or partial, of the protected elements is prohibited without the express authorization of FB Install.


FB Install undertakes to respect the confidentiality of the personal data communicated by the buyer and to use them only within the framework of the commercial relationship with the latter.

Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

These general conditions of sale are subject to French law. Any dispute relating to the interpretation, execution or termination of these presents will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts.